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The birthday party turned into Halloween real quick or at least 15-year-old Daud felt so. His suede jacket had been ruined by a ketchup smear. That is the condensed version—or indifferently condensed version as present-day Daud would comment—of the tragic incident. The detailed report is: his favourite suede jacket, of his favourite olive green color, gifted to him by his favourite Uncle, had been ruined by a criminal ketchup smear. Although olive green and red make a good colour combination otherwise, “a ketchup stain on a suede jacket” can be nominated as the world’s best short horror story. That was Daud’s first official heartbreak. In order to make up for his stained jacket (and broken heart,) his family dropped the poor jacket at the nearby laundry store. They gave detailed instructions about handling the jacket, only to receive what Daud calls his second heartbreak. The stain had been removed, but that patch was clearly discoloured than the rest of the jacket. Upon investigation, it unfolded that the laundry attendant did not follow proper protocol for the jacket’s fabric and ruined the colour by using a strong stain-removing solvent. As much as Daud despised the experience, it planted the seed of a new business idea in his mind. Fast forward to the present day, Daud has opened his own laundry and dry cleaning company.

We are Quality Dry Cleaners. We provide professional cleaning services and aim to preserve the memories associated with garments.


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